Welcome to the Home Energy Scotland Portal

Partner organisations can use the Home Energy Scotland portal to refer householders to Home Energy Scotland for help and advice.

Home Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Energy Saving Trust.

An advisor from Home Energy Scotland will contact the householder (or the person authorised by the householder to act on their behalf, the ‘third party contact’) to advise them on saving energy, reducing their bills and keeping warm, and will assess for any extra support that may be available.

Home Energy Scotland advice is free and impartial, helping householders to save money and help the environment by looking at how they use energy and water.


For advice on making a referral through the Portal, please contact your local Home Energy Scotland partnership officer – their contact details are in your training pack - or call Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 to be put in touch with your partnership officer.

Let your organisation SuperUser know if

  • Your contact details change, so that they can update the portal.
  • You are leaving the organisation, so that your account can be deactivated.
  • Someone else from your organisation needs access to the portal.

If you are the SuperUser, and your details need to be changed or your account deactivated, contact your Home Energy Scotland partnership officer.